Actor kneeling in the foreground, surrounded by paper birds
Kimberly-Ann Truong in Into the Woods. Photo by Scott Cooper

support TIFT

producer's circle &
Producer's circle elite

You are invited to become a member of a select club where membership has its privileges! Talk Is Free Theatre, an artist-driven and award winning theatre company, has always been known for innovation and class. It is only fitting that our Producer’s Circle follows suit with events and benefits that are the talk of the town.

Membership in our Producer's Circle includes:

  • Priority booking privileges to all season programming and special events
  • Subscription(s) to be used at exclusive Members-Only Opening Night performances with flexibility to change to a different performance
  • Members-Only Night includes pre-performance chats, meet-and-greet with the cast and post-show receptions.
  • Tax receipt for amount of annual membership ($500 for Single Membership, $600 for Partial Two-Person Membership, or $1000 for Full Two-Person Membership), less $147 per individual to reflect the value of tickets
  • Flexibility to change tickets to Reserve seats when switching to a regular performance
  • Invitation to annual members-only “Recognition Event” planned especially for Producer’s Circle members

Two-person membership is $1,000 annually or a monthly charge of $83.34.

Single membership is $500 annually or a monthly charge of $41.67

Partial Double membership – 2 tickets to 2 productions of your choice – $600 annually or a monthly charge of $50.


Get your name in lights, share great art with even more friends, and spend an evening on the town with the man who dreams it all up as a member of the Producer’s Circle Elite!

Your contribution of $2,500 will reap the following rewards:

  • all the regular benefits of a Full Two-Person Producer's Circle Membership
  • billing in all marketing materials as a co-presenter of a production, to be shared with one other Producer's Circle Elite Membership
  • an exclusive outing with the Artistic Producer, chosen by mutual interest
  • two additional tickets to a TIFT opening night
  • a tax receipt for the full amount above regular Producer's Circle membership price
  • option to pay monthly installments for Elite status.

The Producer's Circle Elite

  • Joan & Robert Gilroy
  • Kim Kieller & Fred Strangway
  • Peter Koetsier & Wendy Wingfelder

The Producer's Circle

  • Michael & Marilyn Abrams
  • Krista Alkerton
  • Joe Anderson & Wesley Yargus
  • Rod Burns & Glenda Kasza
  • Gregory Damas
  • Peter Dauphinee & Sharon Wynn
  • Theresa & Dominic de Castris
  • Sheila & Jim Delaney
  • Jenivieve de Vries
  • Sally Elston
  • Brenda Faragher & William Moore
  • Casey Farley
  • Steve & Michele Farley
  • Beth Foster & Robin James
  • Joan Gallagher-Main
  • Janey & Barry Green
  • Katie Green
  • George & Janet Lougheed
  • Mary MacDonald
  • Betony Main
  • Paula & Michael McConvey
  • Cam & Jane McKenzie
  • Anne Menzies
  • Susan & Liam Morrison
  • Mary & Jeff Nolan
  • Grace Padua
  • Marjorie Paterson
  • Barry Peacock & Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock
  • Barb Robillard
  • Diane Rowat-Walton
  • Carol-Ann Ryan & Matthew Follwell
  • Shaun Sauve
  • Laurie & James Shaver
    Jean & Ronald Stevens
  • Pauline & Paul Stevenson
  • Charles & Kathryn Talbot
  • Eric Taves & Nancy Harrington
  • Arlette Utton & Sheldon Pomer
  • Mike & Lee Anne Wiebe
  • Lois Yakiwchuk

List updated as of March 25, 2025. If there are any errors or omissions, please contact

bridge the linguIstic divide!

What if you could watch a play presented in a language you don’t speak and have it translated in real time, right before your eyes? What if artists from around the world could assemble to create boundary-defying works without the difficulty of a linguistic barrier?  You are invited to help make this a reality by “purchasing” a language on TIFT’s cutting-edge ARIA (Augmented Reality for Immersive Accessibility) Translation Glasses. 

This prototype wearable technology translates and transcribes spoken text in real time so that audiences of diverse linguistic backgrounds may enjoy live theatre in the language they are most comfortable speaking or reading. With nearly 100 available languages and dialects, the ARIA Translation Glasses will also enable theatre companies to work with artists of varied language fluencies to create multilingual works that represent diverse cultures, and to reimagine traditional pieces for a wider range of theatregoers.

What’s more, ARIA conveniently provides an alternative to anyone whose hearing may be impaired with a live transcript of the piece which they may read while maintaining their gaze on the action. 

How can you get involved?  

Your $2,500 donation (in one lump sum or by installments) “buys” you one of the 96 translatable languages installed on the ARIA glasses. Your support will help acquire physical copies of the glasses as the development of the software is now complete.


Sponsorships are one of our central revenue sources that ensures the ongoing evolution and impact of Talk Is Free Theatre and of our community.

We offer attractive sponsorships which we can tailor to suit your organization’s Sponsorship objectives.

Complimentary tickets are a wonderful way to reward staff for incentives or special occasions, make a great gift to a client or friends. Sponsors have the opportunity to network with possible partners, clients and like-minded entrepreneurs.

house an artist

Open your doors: become a billet home

Meet your new bff! If you have a spare room or two in the Barrie area, we would love to add you to our stellar roster of billet homes for actors and production staff. All the artists require is a place to sleep, a washroom, and if possible, a place to prepare their own food (which they are responsible for). Theatre artists are highly professional people who take up little space, are well behaved and take very little time or effort on your part. This is an amazing opportunity to get to personally know some of Canada’s top theatre professionals.

In return, we offer you two free tickets to any production in our season, of your choice (subject, of course, to availability).  If you or someone you know are interested and capable of helping us, please let us know at or by calling 705-792-1949.


There are many volunteer opportunities at TIFT including:

  • • ushering
  • • charity bingo
  • • office administration
  • • educational programs and day camps
  • • set up and tear down of sets
  • • board of directors
  • • graphic design
  • • special events committees

click below to download
TIFT Volunteer Application